Murray Grey
The Murray Grey breed was evolved in the upper Murray River region in southern New South Wales, Australia in the early part of this century. The first gray cattle resulted from the mating of an Angus bull and a roan Shorthorn cow.
Murray Grey cattle are medium in size and fairly early maturing The preferred color is silver-gray although there are many variations in the shading of gray. The calves of the breed are small at birth. The cows are good mothers and milk well, and the calves have good rates of growth. Docility seems to be a genuine asset of the breed both in the herd and in the feedlot. The cattle have relatively small heads and bone and are naturally polled. Their survival and reproductive rate has been very satisfactory under a wide range of climatic and management conditions. Murray Greys have high-yielding carcasses with excellent loin development and optimum fat cover.
How to Contact the Breed Association:
American Murray Grey Association
P.O. Box 224
New Bethlehem, PA 16242
(814) 275-2515